
Ickie Ickie

Ickie Ickie is a song that I never expected to be writing. It started on a rail replacement bus I was bundled onto with some other harrassed train passengers. I knew I had an hour to kill and a Twitter account that I never use, so I tried writing a tweet. It took me the whole hour and I used every character I’d been rationed with. It was a rhyme of sorts; a kind of tongue twister to test my wordplay. It was lude, unformulaic and, above all, silly (remember that if you hear it).

Anywho when I’d made it home I had already decided to write some sort of music (Since moving house I’ve suffered something of an involuntary musical drought and it needs to end). My laptop has rejected Reason so I’ve been doing most of my programming through Logic and Native Instruments, which is fairly new to me. Native Instruments definitely has a more interesting soundbank, and being able to build beats on the MPC style hardware is my jam, but Logic is still pretty self explanatory, and has a huge bank of effects for audio recording. Now if I had Reason 7 the world would be a different place…but I don’t, so I best not excite myself.

Having a basic progression complete I hoped to come up with something I could lay some lyrics onto, and it seemed I was successful when my housemate, the frontman of Dizzy Tales, suggested, perhaps jokingly, that I should use the tweet. I humoured the idea, and found I enjoyed the flow it created, leading me to record an amusing whisper rap that, whilst funny, also compliments the composition. A friend of mine, the bassist and backing singer of Ornament Tournaments, has politely agreed to collaborate so who knows how this one is gonna end.

It’s a healthy bit of practise with an unfamiliar genre before my collaboration with Krelle from Scram Scram. Take a peak at the video for their song, Blankets, directed and produced by Tom O’Dwyer, whose current project I’m taking a minor role in, helping out with sound and what not, but ya’ll hear about that some other time.

Now I’m gonna get back to doing whatever it is I do, chow.